CEO Update

Hello Clients and Friends,

 We hope this letter finds you well and most of all healthy as we move into the final quarter of this unique year. Who would’ve thought as we clinked our champagne glasses on New Year’s Eve a global pandemic would turn our world upside down a few months later? Knock on wood but, so far, NOBODY here has Covid-19.  We have been taking necessary precautions and prioritizing the safety of our staff as we navigate through these changing times. And while it feels like we have been dodging bullets, we’ve made it this far.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to those that have been impacted by coronavirus.

 Perhaps a continuation of an usual year is a challenge we've had as of late. As it turns out, an internet “troll” decided to “borrow” our good company name and use it to scam some unsuspecting people out of their money. These cyber criminals have created Instagram accounts, posing as Allen Trust Company employees, and promising financial rewards to those who pay. To be clear, they only used our email as a return address to inspire confidence in their victims. Nothing was ever compromised on our system.

 What was compromised, however, is something we take very seriously: our reputation. While it has hardly caused a deluge of negative publicity, it has resulted in a few misleading comments on Google reviews. To the discerning eye, the reviews may seem fake – or at the very least, misguided. Be that as it may, we are working to remove the fraudulent reviews, a process we are learning is more difficult than one would expect.

 As many of you know, 20 years ago we launched Allen Trust Company from our home where we promised you we would take a holistic and tailored approach to your individual asset management. We have also worked hard to be transparent and communicative no matter what challenge heads our way. This case of what we believe is fraud is certainly bizarre, but sadly, not uncommon in today's world.  We realize “trust” has more than one meaning and we will always prioritize yours.

 If you are so inclined, we would welcome any positive reviews on Google to counteract the fraudulent messages. We are working with the FBI, justice department and our attorney to remove these inaccurate reviews.  We welcome any questions you may have.

 Thank you, as always, for trusting us to serve your financial needs. It is truly an honor and a privilege.

 Very truly yours,

 Stuart B. Allen, JD, CTFA

President & CEO

Stuart B. Allen, JD, CTFA