Inform and Inspire

Many months ago, on one of my work-from-home walk breaks, I passed by a couple assembling a wooden structure on the parking strip in front of their house.  We nodded hello, smiling through our masks, and I wondered if it might become a raised bed, a trellis or some other nifty garden feature as I kept walking.  By the time I got home, I had forgotten all about it.  On my way home from an errand the other day, I drove past the same house and was surprised to discover a tall, rather well-stocked free pantry, complete with slanted shingled roof and a bright blue tarp to protect its contents from weather.  Then I noticed it was built to face the street in the parking strip, and the open shelves were easy to access from the sidewalk as well.  The intention of this structure is clear, and I’ll remember it now. 

Pandemic and political events have affected us all.  2020 brought us devastating losses and many new challenges.  It has been a time to face those challenges, shift gears and do what we can to make things better wherever we can -- in our homes, our back yards, our education, our employment, or perhaps just our hairstyle.  If gear-shifting for you included updating your financial, retirement or estate plans – well done!  But have you let anyone know? 

We all appreciate and are inspired by “before/after” project photos on social media.  We can do something similar with our updated plans - as appropriate - through our attorneys, accountants or financial planners regarding current and future giving.  For example, if you have designated a qualified charity to receive any portion of the required minimum distribution (RMD) from your Individual Retirement Account this year, or want to donate appreciated stock, notify the charity when it’s on the way.  They very much want to thank you, make sure your gift is properly and timely received, and direct it to your preferred purpose as best they can.  Prior notice of gifts through your will or trust creates opportunity to build on relationships with all your planning partners, eases the process of carrying out your final plans, and can inspire others to do the same.

If you’re considering a donation to that free pantry, letting your hair go gray, or setting up a charitable trust… let us know!  Until we can safely meet again, remember we are here to help through email, telephone, Teams or Zoom, or masked up outside a mere six feet away. 

Attention: Clients, attorneys, accountants or business partners! Be sure to check out the Allen Trust Company app for on-the-go accessibility. If you need help logging in, please give us a call!

(503) 292-1041

Kate McGinn, ATFA